30 Day Fitness Challenge App Review

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  • 30 Day Fitness Challenge
  • Our Rating: 4 / 5

Updated 02-06-2023

Version 2.0.18
Google Play Downloads 46,454,629
Developer Leap Fitness Group
Screenshot From Our 30 Day Fitness Challenge Review


If you are looking for an app to help you stay on track with your fitness goals, the 30 Day Fitness Challenge for Android is definitely worth trying out. Developed by Popular App, this app promises to help you get in shape in just a month with daily workout plans that target specific muscle groups. In this review, we will evaluate the features of the app, its pros and cons, as well as offer tips on how to best use it.


Customizable programs

The 30 Day Fitness Challenge offers customizable workout plans that cater to your specific fitness level, whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete. The app has different sets of exercises for different muscle groups (such as abs, legs, arms, and back), and each day you get a new set of exercises. You can also choose the difficulty level, ranging from easy to hard, depending on your strength and stamina.

Demonstrative videos

Each workout comes with a video demonstration showing how to perform the exercise correctly. This is especially helpful for beginners who may not know how to properly execute the movements.

Progress tracking

The app tracks your progress and shows you your improvement over time. You can see your workout history and monitor how many workouts you've completed, how many calories you've burned, and how much time you've spent exercising.

Reminders and notifications

The app sends you reminders and notifications to keep you on track with your daily workouts. You can set the app to remind you at a specific time of day, so you never forget to complete your daily exercise routine.


Easy to use

The app has a clean interface that is easy to navigate. Once you create an account and choose your program, all you need to do is click the 'Start' button, and you'll be taken to your first workout. The instructions are clear and concise, making it easy for anyone to use.

Effective workouts

The app's programs are designed by fitness experts and are based on scientific principles. By working out consistently for 30 days, you will definitely notice an improvement in your overall fitness level.


The app lets you customize your workout plan to suit your fitness level and target specific muscle groups. This means that you can focus on areas that you'd like to improve, which can help you achieve your fitness goals faster.


Limited free version

The free version of the app only offers a limited set of exercises and programs. If you want access to more workouts and personalized training plans, you'll need to upgrade to the Pro version.

No community support

Unlike other fitness apps, there is no community or social feature within the app. This means that you won't be able to connect with other users for support, motivation, or inspiration.

Tips for using the app

  • Stick to the program: Consistency is key when it comes to fitness. Make sure to complete each day's workout to get the most out of the program.
  • Challenge yourself: While it's important to start at your own fitness level, don't be afraid to increase the difficulty level as you go along. This will help you progress and achieve your goals faster.
  • Combine with a healthy diet: Exercise is just one part of the equation when it comes to getting fit. Make sure to fuel your body with a healthy diet and stay hydrated.

Comparison to similar apps

Compared to other fitness apps, the 30 Day Fitness Challenge is more customizable and allows you to tailor your program to your specific needs. While it may lack in community support and social features, it makes up for it with its effectiveness and ease of use.


If you're looking for an easy-to-use and effective fitness app that can help you reach your goals in just 30 days, the 30 Day Fitness Challenge for Android is definitely a solid choice. While its free version may be limited and it lacks community support, its customized workout plans and demonstrative videos make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their fitness level. We recommend giving it a try!