detikcom - Berita Terkini App Review

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  • detikcom - Berita Terkini
  • Our Rating: 4 / 5

Updated 05-15-2023

Version 6.5
Google Play Downloads 22,761,696
Developer Trans Digital Media
Screenshot From Our detikcom - Berita Terkini Review


If you're looking for a reliable source of news from Indonesia, detikcom - Berita Terkini is an excellent choice. You can access breaking news in real time, exclusive editorial content, and other types of news, such as politics, sports, technology, entertainment, and lifestyle. The app's user-friendly interface and customization options make it easy to use and customize the news you want to read. Let's take a closer look at the app's features, pros, and cons.


Real-time updates

This app offers breaking news in real-time, so you can stay up-to-date with the latest news anytime and anywhere.


You can customize the app's layout and choose which categories and topics you want to read. This option allows you to receive news that matters to you and saves time scrolling through articles that are not relevant.

Offline reading

You can save articles to read later, even without an internet connection. This feature allows users to read news on the go, without worrying about their data plans or Wi-Fi connections.


The app allows users to share articles via social media, email, or WhatsApp, so you can keep your friends and family informed with just a few taps.

Live streaming

This app provides live streaming on various occasions such as live sports matches, press conferences, and important events related to politics or government in Indonesia.


Frequent updates

detikcom - Berita Terkini offers frequent updates throughout the day, so users can stay informed about the news as it happens.

User-friendly interface

The app's interface is easy to navigate, and the customization options allow users to create a personalized reading experience.

Free of charge

You can access all the features of the detikcom - Berita Terkini app for free. This app is an excellent choice for those who want quality news without having to pay for a subscription.



The app contains advertisements that may interrupt the user's reading flow or take up too much space on the screen.

No international news coverage

The app focuses on news within Indonesia and may not cover international news as broadly as other similar apps.

Comparison to Similar Apps

In comparison to other news apps in Indonesia, detikcom - Berita Terkini stands out for its real-time updates and customization options. While other apps may offer more international news coverage or fewer ads, the detikcom app provides a comprehensive source of news from Indonesia.

Tips for Using the App

To make the most out of the detikcom - Berita Terkini app, we recommend selecting the categories and topics that interest you the most. You can customize the app to receive notifications only on topics that matter to you. Additionally, if you save articles to read later, make sure to open them before going offline to ensure they are available for offline reading mode.


If you're looking for a comprehensive source of news from Indonesia, detikcom - Berita Terkini is an excellent choice. This app provides breaking news in real-time, personalized content, and offline reading options. The app's customizable features and user-friendly interface make it easy to navigate and an excellent option for those who want quality news without having to pay for a subscription. However, the presence of ads and limited international news coverage may be potential drawbacks. Overall, we recommend this app to anyone who wants the latest news from Indonesia at their fingertips.