Exam Preparation: Live Classes App Review

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Updated 05-09-2023

Version 12.01
Google Play Downloads 28,131,470
Developer Gradeup
Screenshot From Our Exam Preparation: Live Classes Review


Exam Preparation: Live Classes is an Android app designed to help students prepare for competitive exams. The app offers a wide range of features, including live classes, practice tests, study materials, and expert guidance. Developed by Gradeup, this app has already been downloaded over 10 million times on the Google Play Store.


Live Classes

With Exam Preparation: Live Classes, you can attend live online classes on various topics. The app features qualified instructors who deliver interactive classes using audio, video, and chat functions. This is a great way to interact with your teachers in real-time, ask questions, and clarify any doubts you have.

Practice Tests

The app provides access to numerous practice tests based on actual exam patterns. These tests come with detailed solutions and explanations that will help you understand your errors and learn from them. You can also take a full-length mock test to analyze your performance and get a better idea of what to expect on the actual exam day.

Study Material

The app provides access to a variety of study materials such as PDFs, videos, and quizzes on different subjects. You can easily browse through the topics and study materials that you need to strengthen your weak areas.

Expert Guidance

The app brings together a team of experienced teachers who provide personalized guidance on every aspect of exam preparation. You can ask them doubts, discuss strategies and seek advice on how to approach different sections of the exam.


Comprehensive Content

The app provides students with detailed study material and resources for each subject. Along with this, they offer live classes that cover various vital topics, practice tests for exam preparation, and expert guidance from qualified teachers. This makes the app one of the most comprehensive resources available for exam preparation.

Easy to Use Interface

The app's clean and intuitive interface is user-friendly, making it easy for users to access various features on the app. Students can access their live classes, mock tests, study material, and expert guidance at the touch of a button.


Costly Premium Courses

The app offers a range of free services; however, the premium courses are expensive compared to the market average. Some students may find that these courses have a steep price tag that is out of reach for them.

Slow Loading Speeds

Some users reported slow loading speeds on the app, which can be frustrating during live classes or mock tests. A faster server would help improve the user experience.

Comparison to Similar Apps

Exam Preparation: Live Classes stands out compared to other similar apps by offering comprehensive features designed specifically for exam preparation. The app offers an accurate simulation of exam patterns, personalized guidance, and a wide range of study materials to ensure that students are fully equipped to pass their exams.

Tips for using the app

  • Attend live classes regularly and actively participate in them.
  • Take mock tests and analyze your performance to get an idea of what to expect on exam day.
  • Make use of the study materials and expert guidance features to get better insights on the exam topics.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions or clear doubts with your teachers.


Exam Preparation: Live Classes is a comprehensive and user-friendly app that offers students an all-in-one solution for exam preparation. The app provides students with valuable resources such as study materials, live classes, expert guidance, and practice tests that are essential in achieving high scores. While the premium courses may be expensive for some, the app's overall features make it worth considering for serious students.

We highly recommend Exam Preparation: Live Classes to any student preparing for competitive exams.