Me@Walmart App Review

  • Our Rating: 4 / 5

Updated 05-18-2023

Version 1.9.10
Google Play Downloads 2,236,798
Developer Walmart
Screenshot From Our Me@Walmart Review


The Me@Walmart app for Android is your one-stop-shop for managing your Walmart shopping experience. With a variety of features, you can easily find products, track orders, and locate stores closest to you. In this review, we'll take a closer look at the app's features, pros, and cons to see if it's worth downloading.


Store Locator

The Store Locator feature helps you find Walmart stores near your location. With its built-in GPS system, displaying your nearest store within seconds is possible. You can search for stores based on a distance radius and receive detailed information about the selected location, including its hours, phone number, and departments available.

Order Tracking

Another feature is Order Tracking, which enables you to view the status of your current Walmart purchase. You can check when your order was shipped, and get updates on estimated delivery times.

Product Lookup

The Product Lookup function allows you to scan barcodes while shopping at Walmart to receive additional product details such as customer reviews, pricing, and availability.



This app offers a convenient way to manage your Walmart shopping experience all in one place. No more navigating different websites or apps!


The Me@Walmart app is user-friendly, and has a simple design that makes it easy to navigate. This feature comes in handy when shopping in-store, as looking up products becomes hassle-free.



One downside to the Me@Walmart app is that it can be slow to load, especially when it comes to scanning products or displaying store information.

No In-app Purchases

The app does not support in-app purchases; you will need a separate Walmart account to make online purchases. Although this is an inconvenience, it also increases the app's security.


When compared to other similar apps, such as Amazon and Target, the Me@Walmart app has outstanding usability and is more efficient at storing shopping history. However, Amazon and Target offer a wider product range and frequently offer exclusive deals to mobile users.

Tips for Using the App

  • Ensure that the app is kept up-to-date for optimal performance.
  • Allow your GPS location to be accessed so you can easily find stores closest to you.
  • Scan barcodes while in-store to receive more information about a product without needing to search its name on the app.


In conclusion, the Me@Walmart app for Android offers an easy way to handle all of your Walmart shopping needs. Despite its slow loading time, it's convenient and user-friendly, allowing easy access to essential features like store locators and order tracking. While there are many other shopping apps available on the market, this app is particularly useful for any Walmart shoppers out there, and we definitely recommend it to them.