News Argentina. Noticias y Dia App Review

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  • News Argentina. Noticias y Dia
  • Our Rating: 4 / 5

Updated 06-04-2022

Version 205
Google Play Downloads 15,499,531
Developer Blue Blood Apps
Screenshot From Our News Argentina. Noticias y Dia Review


If you are looking for a comprehensive news application for Android, News Argentina. Noticias y Dia by Blue Blood Apps is definitely worth checking out. This app delivers the latest news from various sources in Argentina in an easy-to-use format. With a range of features, this app may be the perfect choice for those who want to stay up-to-date with everything happening in Argentina.


Customizable Notifications

News Argentina. Noticias y Dia allows users to customize notification settings so that they receive only selected news updates. Notifications can be tailored based on category and time of day, making it easy to stay informed without feeling overwhelmed.

Bookmark Features

The app has a bookmark feature that enables users to save articles for reading later, creating a tailor-made reading list of their favorite topics.

Offline Reading

Users can enjoy reading articles offline, ensuring uninterrupted reading even when they don't have an internet connection.



News Argentina. Noticias y Dia provides extensive coverage of all major events in Argentina. The app aggregates news from top sources in the country, making it easier to stay informed about what's happening locally and nationally.

User-Friendly Interface

The app has a clean, intuitive interface that is easy to navigate, even for first-time users. The layout is visually appealing, and articles are well-organized.


Users can customize their reading experience, choosing only the news categories they are interested in and receive notifications based on their preferences.


Occasional Bugs

Users have reported occasional bugs and glitches, such as crashes, but this is not a widespread issue.

Not Available in English

The app is only available in Spanish, which could limit its audience to Spanish-speaking users.

Comparison to Similar Apps

When compared to other news applications in Argentina, News Argentina. Noticias y Dia stands out for its comprehensive coverage, customizable notifications, and user-friendly interface. Its bookmark feature and offline reading are also unique additions that set it apart from other news applications.

Tips for Using the App

  • Take advantage of the customization options when setting up your notification preferences.
  • Utilize the bookmark feature to save articles for later reading.
  • To enjoy uninterrupted reading, download articles for offline reading when you have internet access.


In conclusion, News Argentina. Noticias y Dia is an excellent choice for those looking for a reliable and user-friendly news app covering local and national news in Argentina. It offers comprehensive coverage, customizable notifications, and a well-organized layout, making it easy to stay informed about events happening in the country. Despite some minor bugs and glitches, the app provides enough information to make it worth downloading, and I would definitely recommend it.