Pocket: Save. Read. Grow. App Review

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  • Our Rating: 5 / 5

Updated 05-11-2023

Version Varies
Google Play Downloads 17,543,415
Developer Mozilla Corporation
Screenshot From Our Pocket: Save. Read. Grow. Review


Pocket is a handy app that allows users to save articles, videos, and other content to read later on. With its clean interface and powerful features, Pocket has become a popular choice for many Android users who want to stay informed and entertained on the go. Available on both Google Play and the App Store, Pocket has garnered millions of downloads and positive reviews.


Save Anything

With Pocket, users can save any web page or article with just one click. The app automatically syncs the saved content across multiple devices, making it easy to access the content anytime, anywhere. Pocket also allows for offline reading, which is great for those times when there isn’t a steady internet connection available.

Organize Content

To make it easier for users to find the content they’ve saved, Pocket offers multiple ways to organize content. Users can tag content with keywords, add notes, and even create custom lists. This makes it easy to find and keep track of important information in the long run.

Recommended Content

Using Pocket also means gaining access to a wealth of recommended content based on the user’s interests. The app suggests similar content and articles, making it easier for the user to discover new topics and ideas.


Easy to use

Pocket is very easy to navigate, thanks to its clean interface and intuitive design. Even novice users will find it simple to save, organize and read their preferred articles. All the key features are located prominently within the interface, minimizing confusion and frustration.

Cross-platform compatibility

Pocket works seamlessly on various platforms such as Android, iOS, and desktop computers, making it easy to save content and access it anywhere. This cross-platform compatibility makes it a great choice for users who use multiple devices throughout the day.

Personalized content

The recommended content feature is a big selling point for Pocket. Users will constantly get exposed to fresh content based on their interests, which keeps the reading experience engaging and fun.


Limited sharing options

While it's easy to save articles and other content on Pocket, sharing is limited mainly to email and social media platforms. It would be nice to have more varied sharing options that cater to specific apps or platforms.

Some features aren’t free

While the basic features of Pocket are free, some additional features like advanced search, suggest tags and full-text search require a paid subscription. This limitation may not be suitable for users who want an all-inclusive app without any additional purchases.

Comparison to similar apps

Pocket belongs to a category of apps referred to as read-it-later apps. Other related apps include Instapaper, Evernote, and Flipboard. In comparison, Pocket offers a better interface, features, and functionality than several close competitors. Its recommended content feature also sets it apart from most apps in this niche.

Tips for using the app

  • Setup tags for easy search options
  • Create lists for specific topics to better organize saved content
  • Use the recommended content feature to explore new topics based on your interests


Pocket is a fantastic app for anyone looking to save and manage web content in a single place. Its user-friendly interface, cross-device compatibility, and personalized content feature make it an excellent read-later app. Although the additional features in the premium version may be a turn off for some users, the basic features are impressive enough to make it worth recommending.