Scoompa Video: Slideshow Maker App Review

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  • Scoompa Video: Slideshow Maker
  • Our Rating: 1 / 5

Updated 04-27-2023

Version Varies
Google Play Downloads 46,831,776
Developer Scoompa
Screenshot From Our Scoompa Video: Slideshow Maker Review


Scoompa Video: Slideshow Maker is one of the most popular photography apps on Android, with over 10 million downloads on the Play Store. The app allows users to create stunning video slideshows by combining photos, videos, and music in various formats. Scoompa Video: Slideshow Maker is free to download but contains in-app purchases for additional templates, songs, and effects.


1. Easy to Use:

The app’s interface is simple and easy to navigate, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. The main menu has three options: create a new project, access previous projects or view tutorials to help users get started.

2. Templates:

The app comes preloaded with an extensive collection of templates, including themes such as birthday, wedding, travel, and more. These templates can be customized to fit the user’s preferences, allowing for greater flexibility in creating their slideshow.

3. Filters:

Scoompa Video: Slideshow Maker offers various filters that users can apply to their photos and videos, giving them a unique look and feel. The filters range from vintage to modern, and users can preview the results before applying them to their project.

4. Music:

The app allows users to add multiple soundtracks to their slideshow, either by choosing from the preloaded songs or by importing music from their personal library. Users can also fine-tune their tracks by adjusting the volume, fading, and length of each song.

5. Effects:

Scoompa Video: Slideshow Maker offers various animations and visual effects that users can add to their project to give it a polished look. These include text overlays, transitions, and image cropping.


  • Scoompa Video: Slideshow Maker is free to download and use
  • The app is easy to use, making it accessible for all users
  • The extensive collection of templates makes creating a slideshow easy and intuitive
  • Users can customize their slideshows with filters, music, and effects to make them unique


  • The app contains in-app purchases for additional templates and songs
  • The user interface can get cluttered when adding multiple effects to the project
  • The free version contains ads that can be a distraction

Comparison to similar apps:

Compared to similar apps like Animoto and Flipagram, Scoompa Video: Slideshow Maker stands out for its user-friendly interface and extensive collection of templates. While it may not offer as many customization options as Animoto, it is much more accessible for users of all skill levels. Flipagram, on the other hand, focuses on creating short video clips and lacks the same level of customization as Scoompa Video: Slideshow Maker.

Tips for using the app:

  • Choose a template that fits the theme of your project
  • Use a mix of photos and videos to add variety to your slideshow
  • Experiment with different filters and effects to make your project stand out
  • Preview your slideshow before exporting to ensure that everything is in order


If you’re looking for an easy-to-use app for creating stunning video slideshows, Scoompa Video: Slideshow Maker is definitely worth a try. The app’s extensive collection of templates, filters, and effects makes it easy to create professional-quality projects with minimal effort. While the app does have its limitations, it is still one of the most accessible and user-friendly options on the Play Store. With that said, if customization is a priority and the ads and in-app purchases are a dealbreaker, you may want to explore other options.