Smoke Name Art Maker App Review

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  • Smoke Name Art Maker
  • Our Rating: 4 / 5

Updated 05-10-2023

Version 1.1.2
Google Play Downloads 14,764,405
Developer ZipoApps
Screenshot From Our Smoke Name Art Maker Review


If you are looking to add a unique touch of art in your photos, Smoke Name Art Maker is the perfect app for you. This app, developed by Appx Studio, is designed for Android devices, and lets you create impressive smoke art effects on any photo. With the features included in this app, you can transform your pictures into beautifully crafted works of art that will make everyone stop and appreciate.


Customizable Smoke Art Effects

Smoke Name Art Maker offers a wide variety of customizable smoke art effects, with various colors and shapes to choose from. You can create stunning artwork by simply typing any text, selecting the smoke effect and start painting over the letters. The app offers a variety of brush sizes, so you can adjust the thickness of the smoke lines based on your preferences.


In addition to customizable smoke art effects, this app provides many options to choose from for backgrounds. Smoke Name Art Maker offers a range of different colors, patterns, and gradients that you can use as a background for your photos. Moreover, you can also set up your own background by selecting any image from your gallery or taking a picture with your device's camera.

Add Filters and Effects

This app comes with several filters and effects to provide a more professional touch to your artwork. You can add a vignette, blur, and other effects to give your artwork a distinct look. Additionally, the app allows you to adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation of your piece.

Share Your Work

After creating an impressive artwork, you may want to share it with your friends and family. Smoke Name Art Maker offers quick sharing options to upload your masterpiece directly to social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.


Easy to Use

Smoke Name Art Maker offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to create art with ease. The app provides step-by-step instructions that help you create stunning artwork quickly.

Wide Variety of Smoke Art Effects

With an enormous collection of smoke art effects, you will always find the perfect one that fits your style and preferences.

Unique and Creative

The app offers endless possibilities to add a unique and artistic touch to your photos. You can type any text, add images and patterns and even incorporate different smoke colors in seconds.



While the app is free, it comes with ads that can be a bit intrusive. These can get distracting and slow down the process of creating art.

Limited Photo Editing Tools

While the app provides limited editing tools, those can be more than enough for users willing to just focus on creating smoke art.


Compared to other apps on the market, Smoke Name Art Maker sets itself apart from the competition with its innovative smoke art effects. While other apps only offer basic brush and filter effects, this app specializes in unique combinations of text and smoke that truly look like pieces of art.

Tips for Using the App

To use Smoke Name Art Maker effectively, you should follow the app's tutorial to understand how to apply every feature effectively. For beginners, we suggest starting with simple text so you can get used to using the brush features correctly. Once you feel comfortable, try exploring all the options available in the app, and dive into exploring your creativity skills.


Overall, Smoke Name Art Maker is an excellent app for individuals who want to explore their creativity skills on mobile devices. From its user-friendly interface to the vast and distinctive smoke art effects, this app will give you a unique and creative experience. While it might be fairly limited in photo editing tools, the artistically crafted unique features it has on offer are unmatched in any app on the store. We recommend it to everyone looking to add that unique magic touch to their images.