Times of India - News App App Review

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  • Times of India - News App
  • Our Rating: 4 / 5

Updated 05-15-2023

Google Play Downloads 40,567,645
Developer Times Internet Limited
Screenshot From Our Times of India - News App Review


If you're looking for a reliable source of news and current events, the Times of India News App is a great choice. This app provides curated news from multiple categories and offers multiple features that make it easier for users to access the latest news on their Android devices. It offers a sleek and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate around the app.


1. Multiple Categories

The Times of India app covers a wide range of topics such as international news, sports, entertainment, technology, politics, and more. Users can customize their news feed by selecting the categories they are interested in.

2. Custom Notifications

This app allows users to set up personalized push notifications so that they can get instant updates on the latest news stories. From the settings menu, you can select which categories to receive breaking news alerts for.

3. Offline Reading Mode

The app has an offline reading mode feature which downloads articles so that they can be read later, even without an internet connection. This feature is especially useful for users who travel frequently or live in areas with spotty coverage.

4. Bookmarking

With this app, users can also add articles to a bookmark list that allows them to go back to their favorite articles later. This feature comes in handy when you come across news stories you want to read, but don't have time at the moment.


1. Large Collection of News Articles

The app provides a vast collection of news articles that encompass all aspects of life. You can also filter through categories quickly, making it easy to navigate.

2. Customization Features

Users can customize their experience by selecting news topics to follow, so they only see content that they're interested in. The app provides push notifications that are tailored to the categories you have selected.

3. Offline Reading Mode

This feature allows users to read the latest news stories even when they don’t have an internet connection. It's useful for people who are always on-the-go, allowing access to previously downloaded articles rather than having to log in online to access them


1. Ads and Popups

Like many free apps, the Times of India News App has a lot of ads and pop-ups. This interferes with the user experience, making it a bit frustrating to use.

2. Can Slow Down Older Devices

Some older Android devices may find it hard to manage this app as slower devices sometimes can't handle graphical assets and elements.

Comparison to Similar Apps

The Times of India News App competes with other news applications such as the CNN News App and the BBC News App. Compared to these apps, Times of India is more oriented towards Indian news, but has international news as well. Additionally, it offers more customization options, offline reading mode, and more reliable notifications compared to similarly ranked apps.

Tips for Using the App

  • Customize your categories – You can customize the categories you like quickly and receive only the news you want to consume
  • Use the Offline Reading Feature – Plan ahead for connectivity issues and download the latest stories whenever you have a good Internet connection
  • Suppress ads – You can avoid ads and pop-ups by upgrading to a premium version if you want a truly uninterrupted experience


Overall, the Times of India News App is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date on the latest news in India and around the world. With its customization features, push notifications, offline reading mode, and vast collection of news articles, it offers plenty of options to personalize your experiences. While there are some downsides to the ads and it might not function smoothly on older devices. If you're looking for a reliable news app, it would be worth a shot checking out the Times of India News App.