Marco Polo - Video Messenger App Review

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  • Marco Polo - Video Messenger
  • Our Rating: 4 / 5

Updated 05-13-2023

Version 0.426.0
Google Play Downloads 27,177,663
Developer Joya Communications
Screenshot From Our Marco Polo - Video Messenger Review


If you are looking for a fun and easy way to stay connected with your friends and family, the Marco Polo - Video Messenger app might be just what you need. This app allows you to send video messages to anyone, anytime, and anywhere in the world. You can also create group chats, add filters to your videos, play games, and more. In this review, we will take a closer look at the features, pros, and cons of Marco Polo and compare it to similar apps.


Video Messaging

The main feature of Marco Polo is video messaging. With this app, you can record short videos (up to 2 minutes long) and send them to individuals or groups. Unlike other messaging apps that require you to be online and available at the same time, Marco Polo lets you send and receive messages at your convenience.

Group Chats

Marco Polo makes it easy to stay connected with groups of friends or family members. You can create group chats with up to 200 people, share videos, reply to messages, and more. Group chats are perfect for coordinating events, planning trips, or just checking in on your loved ones.

Fun Features

In addition to video messaging and group chats, Marco Polo offers a variety of fun features that make the app enjoyable to use. You can add filters and voice effects to your videos, play games with your friends, and even doodle on your videos to add a personal touch.



The biggest advantage of Marco Polo is its convenience. Because you can send and receive messages at any time, you don't have to worry about coordinating schedules or being available at the same time as your friends. This makes it a great option for people with busy schedules or those who live in different time zones.


Marco Polo is also very easy to use. The interface is clean and intuitive, and the app does not have many of the complicated features that other messaging apps have. This simplicity makes it accessible to users of all ages and tech proficiency levels.


The app allows you to personalize your video messages with filters, effects, and doodles. You can make your videos fun and creative, which adds a personal touch and makes them more entertaining to watch.



One potential downside of Marco Polo is privacy concerns. Because the app stores your videos on its servers, there is a risk that your content could be accessed by third parties. However, the app does offer end-to-end encryption, which provides some level of security.

Video Quality

While the convenience of Marco Polo's asynchronous video messaging is a major draw, the video quality is not the greatest. Often, video quality depends on the quality of the phone's camera recording, which can sometimes result in low-quality or grainy videos.

Requires Wi-Fi or Data Connection

Video messaging requires a Wi-Fi or data connection, which might not be feasible for users who don't always have access to these resources. Without a stable internet connection, using the app becomes challenging and frustrating.

Comparison to Similar Apps

Compared to apps like Snapchat, FaceTime, or WhatsApp, Marco Polo stands out for its simplicity and convenience. Although its video quality is not as good, its asynchronous video messaging feature is more convenient, and filters and personalization options make it more enjoyable to use.

Tips for Using the App

Here are some tips for getting the most out of Marco Polo:

  • Take advantage of the app's personalization features, such as filters and voice effects, to make your videos more creative and entertaining.
  • Explore the games section and play with your friends to make group chats more fun and engaging.
  • Import your own music to add to your videos by tapping on the "My Sounds" button.
  • Experiment with the different drawing tools, like the highlighter, crayon or the pencil, to doodle and draw on your videos.


All in all, Marco Polo is an excellent app that makes staying connected with friends and family easy and convenient. Its video messaging feature is innovative and personalization options make it enjoyable to use. While there are some privacy concerns and video quality issues, it is still worth checking out, especially if you have a lot of contacts who live in different time zones, or do not have enough time for catching up right away.