Social Messenger All in One App Review

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  • Our Rating: 4 / 5

Updated 04-13-2023

Version 5.1
Google Play Downloads 10,878,731
Developer Leo Legaltech Limited
Screenshot From Our Social Messenger All in One Review


If you're looking for an all-in-one messaging app for your Android device, Social Messenger All in One may be just what you need. This app, developed by Leolegaltechapps, supports messaging services like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, all in one convenient place.



Social Messenger All in One allows you to access multiple messaging services from one app, including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and more. You can sign into each service with your existing account information, and easily switch between them without having to exit the app.


One of the standout features of Social Messenger All in One is its built-in translation option. This feature allows you to translate messages in real-time, making it easy to communicate with people who speak different languages. The app supports translations for over 100 languages, so you can communicate with almost anyone.


Social Messenger All in One offers various customization options, including the ability to change the app's theme or background. You can also set up a password or PIN to protect your conversations from unauthorized access.



The app’s main advantage is its convenience – instead of having to switch between multiple messaging apps, you can use Social Messenger All in One to communicate with your contacts from a single interface.

Translation Feature

The translation feature is especially useful if you frequently communicate with people who speak different languages. You can easily translate messages in real-time, saving you time and providing a seamless communication experience.

Customization Options

The app's customization options allow you to make the app look and feel how you want it to. From changing the app's theme to setting up a password or PIN, you can make sure your conversations are private and secure.



A downside of Social Messenger All in One is the inclusion of ads, which can be intrusive and annoying. While you can pay to remove these ads, some users may find it unpleasant to have ads in a messaging app.

Battery Drain

Social Messenger All in One appears to use more battery power than other messaging apps, although this will depend on your device and usage habits. If you frequently use the app for extended periods, you may notice a decrease in battery life as a result.

Comparison to Similar Apps

Social Messenger All in One stands out from many other messaging apps due to its unique features, such as translation and customization options. While other messaging apps like Telegram or WhatsApp also offer messaging services, they don't offer the same level of customization and translation options as Social Messenger All in One.

Tips for Using the App

Enable Notifications

To keep on top of your messages, it's important to enable notifications within the app. This will allow you to receive alerts whenever you receive a new message, ensuring that you don't miss any important communications.

Protect Your Conversations

Use the app's password or PIN feature to protect your conversations from unauthorized access. This will ensure that your private messages stay private, even if someone gains access to your device.


Social Messenger All in One is a great all-in-one messaging app specifically designed for Android devices. It offers unique features, such as real-time translation and customization options, which make it stand out from its competitors. While its inclusion of advertisements and battery usage can be a little inconvenient, the app's many benefits make it worth considering. If you're looking for a convenient messaging app that supports multiple communication services, Social Messenger All in One is definitely worth trying.