Lock screen password App Review

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  • Our Rating: 5 / 5

Updated 12-25-2018

Version 3.35.3384.118
Google Play Downloads 25,547,249
Developer Green Banana Studio
Screenshot From Our Lock screen password Review


Lock screen password, developed by Green Banana, is a powerful security tool that allows Android users to protect their devices from unauthorized access. With this app, you can add an extra layer of protection to your phone, making it much harder for anyone to break in and access your personal data. The app is available for free on the Google Play Store and has been downloaded over a million times worldwide.


Password protection

The main feature of Lock screen password is the ability to set up a secure password for your lock screen. You can choose between a pattern or a pin code for your password, depending on your preference. Furthermore, you can choose the length and complexity of the password that you want to use, ensuring that it's difficult for anyone to guess. With this feature, you can keep your device secure even if it falls into the wrong hands.

Fingerprint unlock

If your device supports fingerprint scanning, you can use Lock screen password to enable fingerprint unlock instead of using a password. This is a more convenient way of unlocking your device, as you don't have to type in a password every time you want to use it. It's also more secure than using a password, as biometric data is much harder to forge or steal than a password.

Customization options

Lock screen password allows you to customize various aspects of your lock screen, such as the wallpaper and the font of the clock. You can choose from a wide range of wallpapers and fonts, allowing you to personalize your device to your liking. This feature also makes your lock screen more visually appealing, which is a nice bonus.


Strong security

With Lock screen password, you can protect your device from unauthorized access with a strong password or fingerprint scanning. This is particularly important if you store sensitive data on your device, such as banking information or personal photos.

Easy to use

The app is very user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it simple for anyone to set up their lock screen password or fingerprint unlock. You don't need any technical knowledge to use the app, which is great for people who are not tech-savvy.


You can customize various aspects of your lock screen, allowing you to personalize your device to your liking. This is a nice touch that makes the app more enjoyable to use.



The app is ad-supported, which means that you will see occasional ads when using it. This can be annoying for some people, although it's a small price to pay for a free app.

No backup option

At the moment, Lock screen password does not provide any backup options for your password or fingerprint data. This means that if you lose your phone or restore it to factory settings, you'll have to set up your lock screen password or fingerprint unlock from scratch.

Comparison to Similar Apps

Compared to other lock screen apps available on the Google Play Store, Lock screen password stands out for its strong security features and customization options. While some apps offer similar password protection features, few of them allow you to customize your lock screen as extensively as Lock screen password does. Furthermore, the app is completely free to download and use, unlike some competing apps that require a subscription fee.

Tips for Using the App

Vary your password

Choose a password that is difficult to guess and try to vary it occasionally. This will make it even harder for anyone to break into your device.

Keep your phone clean

Make sure to keep your phone clean, especially the fingerprint scanner. If there's dirt or sweat on the scanner, it may not work properly, which can be frustrating when trying to unlock your phone.

Use a custom wallpaper

Choose a wallpaper that you like and that's visually appealing. This will make your lock screen more enjoyable to look at and may even motivate you to use your phone less often.


Overall, Lock screen password is an excellent security tool for Android users who want to protect their devices from unauthorized access. The app is user-friendly, customizable, and provides strong protection against potential intruders. While it has a few minor drawbacks, such as occasional ads and the lack of backup options, these are relatively minor issues compared to the app's overall strengths. If you're in need of a reliable lock screen app, I highly recommend giving Lock screen password a try.