Naver Papago - AI Translator App Review

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  • Our Rating: 5 / 5

Updated 05-04-2023

Version 1.9.21
Google Play Downloads 20,795,512
Developer NAVER Corp.
Screenshot From Our Naver Papago - AI Translator Review


If you're looking for an AI translator app that can translate multiple languages, your search ends with Naver Papago. Naver Papago is a user-friendly, AI translation tool developed by Naver Corporation that offers comprehensive translations in over 13 different languages. This app is free to download and is available for Android devices on the Google Play Store.


1. Real-time Translation

One of the best features of Naver Papago is that it can provide real-time translations. It's perfect for someone who is traveling abroad, wants to understand a different language during a conversation, or for communicating with people in different parts of the world. The real-time translator feature can be accessed from the camera – all you need to do is hover over text and the app will automatically translate it.

2. More than 13 Languages Supported

Naver Papago supports over 13 different languages, including English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, and Indonesian. It can translate entire sentences and even whole paragraphs between them. This feature makes it an ideal tool for scholars, researchers, and students alike.

3. Voice Recognition

With its voice recognition feature, Naver Papago can listen to what you say and transcribe it into a written message. This feature supports eight languages and allows for accurate, real-time translations. It's great for those who want to communicate with others without the hassle of typing out messages.

4. Save and Share Translations

Once you've translated a sentence or paragraph, you can easily save it to your phone's memory, the cloud or share it on social media. This feature is particularly useful for those who are studying foreign languages, as they can save the translations for later reference.


1. User-Friendly Interface

The app interface is straightforward and easy to understand, with simple language controls and options. It's user-friendly for people of all ages and experience levels in using an AI translator app.

2. Accurate Translations

The quality of translations provided by Naver Papago is impressive, thanks to advanced AI algorithms used by the app. Users have reported that the app has given them accurate translations that match the context of the sentences they were trying to translate.

3. Free

Naver Papago is a free-to-use app available for Android devices.


1. Limited Features for Free Version

While the app is free to download and use, it comes with limited features in its free version. To access additional features, users need to subscribe to the app's premium version.

2. Some Languages Have Limited Translations

While the app supports multiple languages, some of these languages have only limited translations available. This means that some sentences may not provide the accuracy and context you might expect from the app's translation.

Comparison to Similar Apps

One of Naver Papago's main competitors is Google Translate, which is also a popular and comprehensive translation tool. What sets Naver Papago apart from other options is its ease of use, voice recognition features, and accurate translations.

Tips for Using the App

1. Update the App

To ensure that you get the most out of this app, it is important to keep it updated. The latest version of the app may come with bug fixes and feature updates that improve your user experience.

2. Make Use of Real-time Translation

The real-time translation feature is one of the best features of this app. It allows you to translate text without the need to copy and paste into the application. This feature provides a faster and more efficient way of translating.


If you're looking for an AI translator app that can translate multiple languages accurately and quickly, Naver Papago should be among your top choices. With a user-friendly interface, real-time translations, voice recognition feature and support for more than 13 different languages, Naver Papago stands out from other options. Though there are limitations in its free version and the app doesn't provide context-sensitive translations for some languages, overall, it is a great tool to have on hand for anyone who needs reliable translations from different languages.