OVO App Review

  • Our Rating: 4 / 5

Updated 05-05-2023

Version 3.82.0
Google Play Downloads 50,757,205
Developer PT Visionet Internasional
Screenshot From Our OVO Review


If you're looking for a convenient way to manage your finances on the go, then OVO is definitely worth trying out. This app allows you to easily track expenses, pay bills, transfer money and even buy digital products without any hassle. With OVO, you can also earn rewards points and redeem them for exciting deals and promotions.


1. Expense Tracker

One of the most useful features of OVO is its expense tracker. You can keep an eye on your daily transactions and categorize them accordingly. This makes it easy to monitor your overall spending habits and identify areas where you may be overspending.

2. Bill Payment

OVO also makes paying bills quick and easy. You can pay for anything from electricity and water bills to phone bills and credit card payments all in one place. The app sends you reminders before your due date so you don’t have to worry about missing any deadlines.

3. Digital Product Purchases

Thanks to OVO, buying digital products has never been easier. You can quickly and easily purchase items like e-tickets, game vouchers and music subscriptions without leaving the app. This saves time and hassle compared to having to navigate multiple websites and services.

4. Reward Points

Every transaction you make on OVO earns you reward points which can be redeemed for discounts or free products. The more you use the app, the more points you can earn. This is a great feature for regular users who can take advantage of the potential savings available.


1. User-Friendly Interface

OVO has a clean and intuitive interface which makes navigating the app simple and enjoyable. The design is modern and pleasing to the eye, and important features are easy to find and use.

2. All-in-One Convenience

With OVO's multiple services including bill payments, purchases, and earning rewards points, it really is a one-stop-shop for your financial needs. This saves time and hassle by eliminating the need to switch between multiple apps or websites.

3. Customizable Dashboard

You can customize your dashboard to display only the features you use most often, which makes accessing them even quicker and more convenient.


1. Lack of Security Measures

One downside to OVO is its lack of advanced security measures. While users can use a PIN or fingerprint login, there are no additional options such as two-factor authentication or encryption for added safety.

2. Limited Customer Support Options

If you have any issues with the app or need assistance, customer support options are limited. You can send an email or ask for help through their social media platforms, but there is currently no live chat or phone support available.

Comparison to Similar Apps

Compared to other finance apps like Go-Pay or Dana, OVO is relatively similar in terms of its range of features. However, with its customizable dashboard and prominent reward point system, OVO stands out. Some users may prefer other apps based on personal preference or loyalty to certain brands or companies.

Tips for Using the App

1. Connect Your Bank Accounts

To make use of all of OVO's features, linking your bank accounts is important. This allows for easy transfer of money and bill payments directly from your account.

2. Take Advantage of Promotions and Deals

OVO offers regular promotions and deals through their reward point system, so make sure to check the app regularly for the latest offers.

3. Organize Transactions by Category

By categorizing transactions in the expense tracker, you can get a clearer picture of where your money is going and adjust your spending habits accordingly.


Overall, OVO is a convenient and user-friendly finance app for Android devices. It offers all-in-one solutions for managing finances, as well as additional perks like reward points for regular users. However, the app could benefit from advanced security measures and more customer support options. Despite these downsides, OVO is definitely worth trying out for anyone looking for a simple and efficient way to handle their money on the go.