Samsung Calculator App Review

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  • Our Rating: 4 / 5

Updated 02-28-2023

Version Varies
Google Play Downloads 231,280,317
Developer Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Screenshot From Our Samsung Calculator Review


The Samsung Calculator, which can be found under the ID and categorized as a Tools app, is a pre-installed calculator app on most Samsung Android devices. Its simple interface and basic features make it an easy-to-use tool for quick calculations.


Basic Calculator

The Samsung Calculator offers a simple and straightforward basic calculator for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and percentage calculations. The layout is standard with large, easy-to-read buttons and an easy-to-see display that shows all of the user's inputs and results.

Scientific Calculator

For more complex calculations, the Samsung Calculator also includes a scientific calculator feature. It offers additional functions such as logarithmic, trigonometric, and exponential computations. Users can switch easily between the basic and scientific calculators.

Unit Conversion

The Samsung Calculator also includes a unit conversion feature that can convert length, weight, volume, temperature, and more. This feature is useful for individuals who need to constantly convert different units throughout their day-to-day activities.


The History feature keeps a record of all previous calculations made on the app in chronological order. Users can easily retrieve past calculations and reuse them without the need to manually input them again.



The Samsung Calculator is already installed on most Samsung devices, so users don't need to download another app or waste extra storage space on their phone.

User-Friendly Interface

The large buttons and clear display make it easy for users to input numbers and see their results.


Limited Features

Although the Samsung Calculator provides basic and scientific calculators as well as a unit converter, it doesn't offer more advanced features seen in other calculator apps such as graphing or finance functions.

No Customization

Users cannot customize the look or feel of the calculator. For instance, there is no customization for color, font size, or background image.

Comparison to Similar Apps

Compared to other pre-installed calculator apps on Android devices, such as the Google Calculator, the Samsung Calculator is just as user-friendly and has more features with the addition of a unit converter. However, when compared to third-party calculator apps, the Samsung Calculator's features are limited. More sophisticated calculator apps like Calculator Plus can support larger numbers, provide a wider range of calculations, and allow for extensive customization.

Tips for Using the App

Copy and Paste

Users can copy the value of the most recent calculation result and paste it directly into a different app, such as an email or message.

Swipe Left or Right

Users can swipe left or right on the screen to switch from the basic calculator to the scientific calculator.

Double-Click to Clear

Users can clear their calculations by double-clicking on the calculator's display.


The Samsung Calculator is a convenient tool that is pre-installed on many Samsung Android devices. Its simple interface and basic features make it easy to use, even for those who aren't particularly tech-savvy. While it may not have as many features as more advanced calculator apps, it gets the job done and is perfect for individuals who need a quick and reliable way to perform basic math operations or unit conversions.